Our policies describe our services. The goal is to make this as easy for you as we can.
Most sales run for three consecutive days and are held on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday unless otherwise advertised. Friday and Saturday, the pricing is firm with no discounts (bids are accepted on items over $100.00). Sunday is half-price sale day (every item left unsold will be 50% off the tagged price).
Please leave your large bags, boxes, and purses at home or locked in your vehicle.
There will be a two-part tag when paying the tagged price on larger items. You may choose to purchase the item for the full price by removing the bottom half of the two-part tag, writing your name on the top half of the attached tag, which is to remain with the item. This assures you the item is yours and no one else can purchase it. (please do not remove the tag bottoms if you are not certain or undecided about purchasing the piece. It is a first-come-first buy sale and not fair to other shoppers who may want the same item.
Once you have removed the tag, you are expected to honor your purchase commitment. Anyone abusing this rule will be asked to leave and not allowed entrance to our other sales). Most small items can be placed in your shopping basket. Handbaskets will be provided for your shopping pleasure. Items locked in a case, i.e., jewelry or extremely fragile items, (you will be given a special purchase tag to take to the cashier), when you have completed your shopping, carry your basket items along with any tag bottoms and special purchase tags you have and proceed to a checkout counter. You will receive a receipt to claim your case items and large items at the time of payment.
Many times, persons wanting to be the first, second, third, etc., will arrive early at the sale and create a handwritten list of temporary numbers. Early birds sign the list with their name in the order they arrive. Most people find that a temporary numbers list helps maintain an orderly system until the official numbers are passed out. We at estate sale liquidators do not issue these temporary lists. The people in line are solely responsible for the temporary list and the rules associated with them. You will still need to line up in order and receive your official number from our staff.
Official numbers are handed out beginning one hour before the sale time. These are used at sales to maintain order upon the opening of the sale. Each person who arrives before the sale opening on the first day must have an official number. We do not continue to hand out numbers after the sale has opened. When receiving a number from us, we will distribute one number per person only. We ask that you get in line, by number, no later than 10 minutes before the opening of the sale. If you are not present when your number is called, your number is no longer valid, and you must go to the back of the line. Please understand, it is not fair to those consumers who have waited patiently in line until their number is called.
How many people we let into a sale will be determined by the size of the building, how full the sale is, how quickly the consumers move through the sale and how many people we can safely allow entering the sale without damage to people and property. We will always let in as many people as safely possible. Usually, after the first few hours, the mad rush is over, and all are allowed to enter and shop. We want your shopping experience to be a fun and rewarding one, so please help us by following the rules.
Shoppers who do not want to pay the tagged price may use bid slips to bid on the items. The tag price must be $100.00 or more. The bid-offer must be a minimum of $10.00 more than half of the price, i.e., ( $100.00 -50% = $50.00 + $10.00 = minimum bid of $60.00). We strongly suggest you bid the maximum you are willing to pay as you may lose that treasure you desire for a few dollars to another bidder.
When a bid is received, the item’s tag will be stamped “left bid,” indicating to other shoppers there is an offer. Only the highest winning bidder will be called after the sale ends on the second day. The item pickup time will be arranged during the call (usually Sunday). You are expected to honor your bids. Bids are kept confidential until the end of the sale for fairness to all bidders.
For new consumers to a professionally run estate sale, the rules and number’s policies can be a bit of a mystery. That’s why we have included this page to inform you of the terminology used in our ads and at the sales.
Bargain-hunting shoppers love our Sunday 50% off tag sale. Every item not sold will be half price when the doors open. It’s a first-come-first sold sale. Doors open at 11 am unless otherwise advertised. You will be surprised how many people show up for the bargains on Sundays. Arrive early and line up if you wish. In fairness to all, no one enters till the opening time. Thanks for your understanding.
Everything is sold “as-is.”
Please inspect your purchases carefully before you buy them as there are no refunds or exchanges. We accept cash and local checks with proper photo IDs. Please provide your own help to move large and heavy objects. We cannot assist with moving items due to insurance reasons. All items purchased must be removed from the sale during sales hours (the exceptions are pianos, pool tables, and other large objects that require specialty movers.) we appreciate your removing your purchases as soon as possible.
If you have any questions about our policies, please feel free to call us or speak with a member of our staff on duty at the sale. We look forward to seeing you at our next sale!